'Nobody could advise me on what to do next': Georgia's Story


It's bad enough being in pain, but it is even worse if you don't know why or where to turn next. You may find yourself in a 'lost place' where conventional approaches have failed and you have no idea what to do for the best. You may have been advised to strengthen your muscles, but the pain you are feeling is preventing you from doing so. You are worried that you might be making things worse by exercising.
Georgia May is a 23 year old Television Researcher who had been suffering for severe back pain for over 5 years when she first came to see me for Amatsu. She had tried so many approaches and was giving up hope of getting out of pain.


This is her story:

“When I first came to Lorna my main problem was in my lower back. It was excruciatingly painful to be on my feet, even for a couple of hours. I would always have to sit down and take a break. The pain started to spread to my shoulders and I became quite hunched due to the pain in my lower back.

Around 5 years ago when I was 18, I had been in a dance class and was being lifted by a partner. Unfortunately, we lost our balance and I went up and over and landed really heavily on my left hip bone on the hard floor. I had a lot of bruising and pins and needles soon after I had done it, but over the course of the next few days, I felt the pain move quite dramatically to my lower back, especially on the left side. I went to the doctors and I was given painkillers, but after a couple of weeks, I went back as I was really concerned about the pain I was still feeling. In fact, the pain was more prominent. I was given a course of physio, but I didn't react very well to it. I stuck with it for a while, but I found it so painful and there were lots of exercises that I couldn't do. It didn't feel as though it was benefiting me.

For the next few years, I tried other things. I went to another physio and then tried osteopathy, but again, I found it quite painful and if I was asked to do exercises, they hurt so much and I couldn't really do them. I would get so frustrated with myself and in the end, give up on the exercises. I had been really flexible and active so it was really upsetting. I also went to see a specialist, but it was a horrible experience. I had to insist on a scan, but that came back normal and I was told I just needed to go to the gym and get my muscles working again. I did go to the gym and sought advice there, but the pain I was in was affecting my degree and nothing seemed to work.

When I first started having Amatsu, I didn't really know what it was! I had been speaking to a guy at work about his back issues. He mentioned the Amatsu sessions he was having. When he suggested that I have sessions with Lorna, I didn't feel particularly excited or hopeful. I had tried so many things hoping to find the answer.

Amatsu is quite hard to describe and the man I spoke to found it hard to put into words what the sessions were like! Amatsu is so much gentler than anything I have had before. When I have sessions with Lorna, I don't have to brace myself for a tough session. There is also a deeper understanding about the emotional impact and the sessions are really slow and relaxed. It feels as though Lorna is working really hard to fix the problem from the core, not just covering it by trying to get me build up muscle strength. Since having the treatment sessions, there has been a massive change to my lower back. I now live and work in London and do a long day and commute and I can't remember when I last had deep lower back pain, which for me is a huge thing. Before, I would go out shopping and seriously need to sit down and my back could even feel painful to touch, like it was bruised.

When you are in pain and you are pushed to go away and do exercises, but you can't, it makes you feel rubbish. Having Amatsu allowed me, for the first time, to make a conscious effort to make changes for myself. People had told me from the start that I needed to work on my posture, but I just wasn't able to. I do still have aches and pains in my shoulders, but I think that is partly to do with the fact that I am changing the way I move, the way I hold myself and my posture. My family and friends have noticed a change in my posture and I am back at the gym now and enjoying it. I just feel a million times better.

One of the things that has really helped me is that Lorna explained everything as we went along and being able to understand has helped me to cope much better. After the first session, she told me I might feel a bit off-kilter as I stood up and explained why. For the first time, I could actually feel a change in my body compared to when I had laid down and could see how different it was to what had become my normal way of standing. Now I feel a lot more aware of how I sit and stand. Before, I couldn't even acknowledge when I was sitting badly. It felt normal for me then. If I am sitting wrong now, I feel an ache coming on and I can change immediately. People can tell you a million times, but you have to be able to feel it and I can now.

It's been quite emotional for me and my family. We just hadn't known what do and it happened so young. The pain had genuinely held me back from doing things over those years. While friends could enjoy nights out and festivals, I would have to go home or lie down and take hot water bottles and ibuprofen gel with me. It just felt so unfair. Back pain changes everything.

I would recommend Amatsu to anyone with long-standing pain who doesn't know the reason for it especially if they just don't know what to do next. They have maybe had a scan that shows no structural problem and so they are at that 'lost stage'. Nobody can give them an answer of what to do next. Amatsu has helped me find answers.”

Over to you:

Maybe you can identify with Georgia's comment about being in the 'lost phase' where the searching for answers and people to help you, becomes an exhausting and daunting task.
I believe that Amatsu worked where other treatments didn't because I could fully assess Georgia's imbalances and start work straight away with a unique and gentle approach.
I am often asked about specific exercises that people can do, but as Georgia found, if you are trying to strengthen an imbalanced structure, you are not actually addressing the imbalance itself. Also, seeing the body as a set of individual muscles is false. Just because a certain muscle appears weaker doesn't actually mean that it is the cause of your pain or that strengthening it will solve the problem.It is only part of the picture and only a truly holistic approach can get close to finding answers.

​P.S. Pass it on!

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